The qualitative research study focuses on the lack of physical activity among older adults, a global concern. The article highlights the importance of physical activity and its potential to enhance quality of life. It provides valuable insights into maintaining physical activity behavior among older adults. The study employs a qualitative approach to explore factors contributing to physical activity behavior and maintenance among older adults. Researchers used a thematic analysis approach, and data interpretation was conducted by two research coders. Face-to-face interviews were conducted with older adults who participated in trial groups or had experience with home-based exercises. The study offers a comprehensive overview of physical activity levels among older adults.

The interviews conducted at participants’ homes provided insights into activity levels during the intervention (e.g., group exercise or home-based exercise). The study also explores health benefits, facilitators, barriers, and the use of technology in maintaining physical activity. An additional strength is that interview transcripts were analyzed without altering the wording, and analysis was conducted using NVivo10.

NURS FPX 5005 Assessment 2 Quantitative and Qualitative Research Publication Critique

The study covers a wide range of aspects, including benefits (both physical and mental), barriers, facilitators (social and environmental), social interaction, and more. It also addresses the use of technology for motivation and support of physical activity, even though this aspect was not initially part of the interventions. The use of framework analysis helped interpret participants’ statements. Researchers and practitioners can benefit from this research as it provides a comprehensive understanding of the subject.

However, there are some weaknesses in the study. For instance, the size of the focus group was small, making it challenging to generalize the results. The data were collected exclusively from a specific region of the United Kingdom, which raises questions about the applicability of the intervention in other regions or countries. Additionally, the study does not explore the effects of economic status and access to resources on the maintenance of physical activity. Finally, the inclusion some quantitative data could have strengthened the research by providing more tangible evidence.

Ethical Implications

The research study received ethical approval from the Public Research Ethics Governance Panel South East Coast, and written informed consent was obtained from participants before conducting interviews. Participants were informed of their right to withdraw from the study at any time, and they were advised that data collected up to their withdrawal would be used with their consent. The study also ensured that participants did not experience distress during the research. Notably, the study involved English-speaking adults, which eliminates ethical concerns related to individuals from other language backgrounds.

Significance of the Research Problem

The qualitative research study addresses the issue of physical inactivity, which is a significant concern globally. Physical activity is essential for keeping older individuals physically and mentally active, reducing the risk of chronic diseases (Cunningham & O’Sullivan, 2020). It can lower the risk of conditions such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, falls, dementia, disability, and depression (Cunningham et al., 2020). Additionally, physical activity can enhance strength and balance, leading to an overall improvement in the quality of life for older adults (Langhammer et al., 2018). However, the research could have been further enhanced by including economic impacts and access to resources, providing a more comprehensive understanding of the significance of physical activity.


Quantitative and qualitative research analysis plays a vital role in the comprehensive examination and evaluation of research problems using various data analysis methods. Quantitative research can inform decisions related to older patients, as it demonstrates the effectiveness of exercise interventions. Subjective research information from qualitative studies can be applied in practice and decision-making processes. In this critique, the strengths and weaknesses of both quantitative and qualitative research studies were analyzed, along with their ethical implications. These analyses shed light on the significance of employing diverse approaches to address the issue of falls among older patients and their implications for patient care decision-making.


Bhandari, P. (2021). A guide to ethical considerations in research. Scribbr.